Customs Clearance & Duties
sudubuy together with her freight logistics partner will do the necessary customs declaration and clearance.
Buyers are responsible for their own customs clearance in their own countries. Buyers shall ensure that the products they purchase are in compliance with their own country’s customs import rules and regulations or laws.
When buyers purchase branded items, Buyers are responsible to obtain permission from the brand owners themselves. sudubuy is not responsible to obtain the permission from the brand owners. At the request of the buyers and upon receiving payment for the purchase, sudubuy will purchase the item on behalf of the buyers accordingly.
When the goods reach the buyers home country or to the country directed by the buyers, it is the buyers’ responsibility to clear their home custom procedure.
sudubuy has no responsibility to ensure that the product will clear the buyers customs in their home country.
Buyers are responsible to pay for any form of duties or taxes in their home or destination countries.
In the event that Buyers refuse to pay for the duties, the customs will send the goods back to the originating countries. Buyers will be liable to pay for the return shipment cost plus warehousing cost. If Buyer does not claim or settle the cost incur after three months on returning to the originating place, the carrier, logistic company or shall have the right to sell the products to the public to recover cost incur. Any balance will be returned to the Buyer and any shortfall will have to make good by the Buyer.